05 June 2012

The One that Sticks Out

            Recently I was asked to help a friend take pictures for his wedding. I gladly took this opportunity to practice some more and gain some experience for future projects. Also this past week my cousin also married. Both ceremonies were wonderful, and spiritual. As I am also in this quest of seeing marriage, if I can call it a quest, it has caused me to ponder greatly on how it all works. I was editing photos today and when I came across this photo, a thought crossed my mind. There are many beautiful flowers in the world. All of them different. Some are red, some are purple, and some are yellow. They all have similar and unique characteristics. Some are larger, some are smaller. Some bloom in the sunlight, some bloom in the dark, but in the end, there is one that always pops out. One that is ultimately unique. One that catches your eye and causes you to focus on it rather than the rest.
           I find great joy in seeing my friends and family finding their flowers. When I see a new couple start to form, my heart leaps for their success, and when that relationship gains momentum and brings about a beautiful family, my soul cries for them to achieve everlasting happiness. Amid all the confusion of this world and the distractions that manifest themselves, they were able to wade through the weeds and other flora to find that one that stood out to them. That one that was important. That one that was the most magnificent from all the rest. Their beautiful flower.

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